The most recent version of jsAsserUnit is version 1.2.
You can download it from the jsAssertUnit SourceForge site as:
a zip archive (,
or a tar gzip archive (jsAssertUnit-1.2.tar.gz).

The package contains the following files:

assert.js: the core classes of the assertion tester
reporter.js: the classes managing the reporting of any assertion failure in an independant window
reporter.html: the document file formating the failures report
reporter.css: the styles file for the reporter document
coretest.js: a file of tests
signaturetest.js: another file of tests
coretest.html: the file to open in your browser to fire the coretest.js and signaturetest.js functions
docs: a directory containing the documentation pages you're viewing

Expand this archive in one of your development directory.
Then include the assert.js script file (with a <script> tag link) within every script using the jsAsserUnit assertion tester functions.

1.2  -  2002/03/20 Fixed a bug preventing warnings to be displayed when no failure are reported
1.1  -  2002/03/19 Minor code documentation corrections
1.0  -  2002/03/13 initial public version